Uplowman C Of E Primary School

A haven of hope, where every child matters as a child of God


Children learn to become writers through our stimulating mastery approach to writing. Children are often given a real purpose to write and the units often have hooks in order to engage and inspire the children’s thinking and learning.

Teaching is underpinned by using high quality texts and high quality examples from the teacher which focus on skills to be taught. These texts are then analysed in depth with the children in order for them to learn and apply those skills. Writing is also linked to the wider curriculum and children have opportunities to write a range of text types. Grammar and punctuation skills are practised and consolidated until all children have a firm understanding of how to apply them in their own work. Teachers use shared and modelled writing which supports the children in being able to apply their skills in independent pieces of writing which are finally edited and improved by the individual child as well as receiving some input from their peers. Throughout the process, the children are taught to read as writers and write as readers. 


Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement for writing


Writing Progression Document